Church (People) Hurt

1. React

It’s okay to feel hurt and express the pain.

Jesus did.

He cried (John 11:35).

He felt exhausted (Matthew 14:13).

He got frustrated (Matthew 17:14-17).

He got angry (Matthew 21:12-13).

2. Reorient

You’d never junk your entire car just because you got a flat tire.

The Church didn’t hurt you; some church people did.

3. Realign

Take a break from corporate worship

Give yourself space to heal; but never do it alone. Isolation is bad.

4. Remember

It’s not “forgive and forget”; it is “forgive and remember”. Forgive those who wronged you and remember who you are!

You are not defined by your hurt; you are defined by who you worship.

5. Return

Get back in the game; don’t let it sideline you forever.